retrospective 2012:
About your presentation time and format find on the organization pages!
Tune in on TWITTER using #acrnfinance as hashtag or follow @o_lehner
Individual Days and Speakers/ Sessions (Version 1.4 !)
All Abstracts including Session Number:
“Opportunities and challenges for management accounting and control research in the wake of the crisis”
Dr. Wim A. Van der Stede
University of London
CIMA Professor of Accounting and Financial Management
LSE - London School of Economics
"Management of financial risk in the context of International Financial Reporting Standards"
Dr. Christian Engelbrechtsmueller
“Sustainable Finance: setting a research agenda”
Dr. Matthew Haigh
University of London
School of Oriental and African Studies
“Budgeting in times of VUCA: challenges and opportunities”
Dr. Heimo Losbichler
University of Applied Sciences, Upper Austria
“Finance Perspectives: A call for Interdisciplinarity”
Dr. Othmar Lehner
University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Keynote on Islamic Banking and Finance
Dr. Suleiman Mohammed Ahmed Hussein,
University of Sudan
Panels and Roundtables -- Please register here for the roundtables, limited seats available!
Round table discussion means that you are all included in talking about your research, experiences,
ideas and perspectives. There is no fixed format but an intense discussion. Therefore places are limited and you need to register (no extra fee).
1. Round table B2 on Monday - Sustainable and Social Finance and Investment
Experiences and Ideas for the Field of Sustainable and Social Finance and Investment –
open talk about your research and get an editors perspective! Read more here!
Chair: Dr. Matthew Haigh, SOAS, University of London, UK
This round-table is especially interesting if you are conducting or presenting research in the broad field of sustainable finance and investment.
Limited seats (25). Please register here!
2. Round table B4 on Tuesday - Publishing in Finance and Management
Publishing in Finance and Management: Experiences, Directions, Opportunities
OPEN for everyone interested in talking about publishing and getting an editor’s and reviewer’s perspective.
How are your experiences with ABS journals, what would you need to consider when publishing?
You should have published in a journal before or are in review.
Chair: Dr. Othmar M. Lehner, ACRN Austria, Cambridge
Limited seats (25). Please register here!
Social Side Program:
Steyr old-town City Walk on Monday 18h
leaves and returns from the FH Steyr (University campus)
*depending on weather situation
Evening reception and dinner on Monday evening 19h
open also for travelling partners, but please register.
fee for guests for social side program on Monday is EUR 30,-
Further details in the guest map - Address:
Orangerie im Schlosspark GmbH
Blumauergasse 1, 4400 Steyr
Tel/Fax: +43 7252 / 74074
Visiting nearby BMW plant - Company Visit on Tuesday evening
We have to leave at 16:45 sharp at the FH Steyr (University campus)
Talks and discussion at the BMW motors
Farewell words and best paper awars on Wednesday afternoon
The winner will be invited (incld. travel costs) to next years conference in Cambridge.
Academic Sponsors:
ACRN, academic collaboration and research network – Austria is an extra-university research institution in the field of social and managerial sciences. We are a social enterprise furthering academic collaboration and research in various fields through partnering with leading universities from all over Europe, contributing to the European Union framework on cooperation in further education. All excess profit is used for grants and scholarships.
About your presentation time and format find on the organization pages!
Tune in on TWITTER using #acrnfinance as hashtag or follow @o_lehner
Individual Days and Speakers/ Sessions (Version 1.4 !)
All Abstracts including Session Number:
“Opportunities and challenges for management accounting and control research in the wake of the crisis”
Dr. Wim A. Van der Stede
University of London
CIMA Professor of Accounting and Financial Management
LSE - London School of Economics
"Management of financial risk in the context of International Financial Reporting Standards"
Dr. Christian Engelbrechtsmueller
“Sustainable Finance: setting a research agenda”
Dr. Matthew Haigh
University of London
School of Oriental and African Studies
“Budgeting in times of VUCA: challenges and opportunities”
Dr. Heimo Losbichler
University of Applied Sciences, Upper Austria
“Finance Perspectives: A call for Interdisciplinarity”
Dr. Othmar Lehner
University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Keynote on Islamic Banking and Finance
Dr. Suleiman Mohammed Ahmed Hussein,
University of Sudan
Panels and Roundtables -- Please register here for the roundtables, limited seats available!
Round table discussion means that you are all included in talking about your research, experiences,
ideas and perspectives. There is no fixed format but an intense discussion. Therefore places are limited and you need to register (no extra fee).
1. Round table B2 on Monday - Sustainable and Social Finance and Investment
Experiences and Ideas for the Field of Sustainable and Social Finance and Investment –
open talk about your research and get an editors perspective! Read more here!
Chair: Dr. Matthew Haigh, SOAS, University of London, UK
This round-table is especially interesting if you are conducting or presenting research in the broad field of sustainable finance and investment.
Limited seats (25). Please register here!
2. Round table B4 on Tuesday - Publishing in Finance and Management
Publishing in Finance and Management: Experiences, Directions, Opportunities
OPEN for everyone interested in talking about publishing and getting an editor’s and reviewer’s perspective.
How are your experiences with ABS journals, what would you need to consider when publishing?
You should have published in a journal before or are in review.
Chair: Dr. Othmar M. Lehner, ACRN Austria, Cambridge
Limited seats (25). Please register here!
Social Side Program:
Steyr old-town City Walk on Monday 18h
leaves and returns from the FH Steyr (University campus)
*depending on weather situation
Evening reception and dinner on Monday evening 19h
open also for travelling partners, but please register.
fee for guests for social side program on Monday is EUR 30,-
Further details in the guest map - Address:
Orangerie im Schlosspark GmbH
Blumauergasse 1, 4400 Steyr
Tel/Fax: +43 7252 / 74074
Visiting nearby BMW plant - Company Visit on Tuesday evening
We have to leave at 16:45 sharp at the FH Steyr (University campus)
Talks and discussion at the BMW motors
Farewell words and best paper awars on Wednesday afternoon
The winner will be invited (incld. travel costs) to next years conference in Cambridge.
Academic Sponsors:
- University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
- University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- CUNY, City University New York, US
- Brno International Business School, Czech Republic
- ACRN research network
- London School of Economics, UK
- University of Linz, Austria
- University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
- University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- City University New York, US
ACRN, academic collaboration and research network – Austria is an extra-university research institution in the field of social and managerial sciences. We are a social enterprise furthering academic collaboration and research in various fields through partnering with leading universities from all over Europe, contributing to the European Union framework on cooperation in further education. All excess profit is used for grants and scholarships.