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The 13th FRAP - Finance, Risk and Accounting Perspectives conference
… took place at the University of Cambridge College - Hughes Hall from 18. - 20. November 2013
Motto: Innovation, Information and Intelligence in Finance, Risk and Accounting
with special workshops, perspectives and panels on : Social Finance and Crowdfunding and Enterprise Risk Management
Where: Cambridge University - Hughes Hall College, United Kingdom
When: 18. – 20. November 2013
already fully booked, registration closed
Full Programm
Updated List of Abstracts
Presentation Format: max. 10-15 mins. presentation time (beamer and laptop with MS Powerpoint® are provided), followed by 5-10mins. Q&A time. Please bring your presentation on your own USB stick, and mail before Nov. 10th to frap13presentation@acrn.eu Please stick strictly to the presentation time slots!
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Simon Taylor,
Academic Director of Master of Finance,
Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Prof. Richard T Harrison,
University of Edinburgh Business School,
Editor, Routledge Journal of Venture Capital
Prof. Alex Nicholls MBA,
Skoll Center for Social Entrepreneurship,
SAID Business School, University of Oxford
Editor, Routledge Journal of Social Entrepreneurship
Dr. Othmar M. Lehner MBA,
Prof. of Finance and Risk Management
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Editor, Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives
All accepted papers (double blind peer-reviewed) may also be published in the 13th FRAP Proceedings as e-book and print on demand with ISBN number and indexed in major literature search databases,
and in addition some authors will be approached later by our partner journals for further publication options.
Topics come from a broad range, for example:
- Corporate Finance
- Economics and Global Finance
- Behavioural Finance
- Treasury and Liquidity Management
- Finance and Enterprise Risk Mgmt.
- Accounting and Reporting
- Mathematical & Computational Finance
- Investments & Portfolio Management
- Strategic Management, Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- Banking, Insurances and the Finance Industry Sector, Venture Capital Finance
- Information Technology
- Sustainability, CSR and Social Finance
‘In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity’, Albert Einstein
Turbulent markets as a context. Over the years 2007-2011, market volatility has risen enormously and just recently fell without immediate rational explanation, despite still high levels of uncertainty and perceived volatility. As a consequence, traditional planning and forecasting tools have turned out to be not always applicable, or even erroneous. Inherent complexity in structures and agent relations caused fatal and unforeseen impacts, and some tend to agree that in cases risk once again became uncertainty, because formerly reliable deterministic models on the micro and macro level were invalidated.
Such an extreme environment however also creates opportunities for innovation in processes and thinking. At the same time, information as a prerequisite for rational decisions has become almost overly affluent - in terms of timeliness, scope and delivery. Intelligence is available everywhere and at any time, often through new modes of delivery, such as social media. This creates an interesting playground for technological innovation, while at the same time business leaders are questioning the whole process of decision making, planning and forecasting. While some see the need to gain more, and especially more timely information, others are adapting more entrepreneurial strategies in dealing with uncertainty. Yet others are innovating and rethinking how they approach financing and ultimately opportunity exploitation for example through Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding. Such crowd based activities also heavily rely on information and intelligence, however often untested and un-audited - yet some call it the “wisdom of the crowd” and embrace these as a new paradigm and emancipation from traditional financial institutions like banks or venture capital firms.
The outlined interwoven and dynamic fields invite a multitude of scholarly perspectives, dealing with for example: efficiency in markets, time issues in planning and reporting, information dispersion and risk-perception, regulation and auditing, strategy building, behavioural finance and technological impact.
We welcome papers from a wide range of disciplines and corresponding research methodologies. We also encourage PhD. students to submit a paper for presentation.
Over the years, the perspective series became well respected and renowned for its diversity, and we will continue this tradition with full colours.
All accepted papers (proposals) may be published in Vol.13 of the Finance and Risk Perspectives, indexed in the SSRN and with an ISBN number. This is of course optional, as some authors will want to retain copyright.
In addition there will be additional opportunities through our partner journals from Routledge (ABS) at the venue, inviting some selected papers for publication.
Inspiring keynote speakers from Cambridge University, University of London and World Bank, workshops and panels on Crowdfunding and Social Finance, on Sustainability and Enterprise Risk Management, meet the editors and reviewers on publishing and research, as well as a great social side program will make this annual conference a rewarding journey to picturesque Cambridge.
Paper submission now closed. …………………
Andrea Muehleder, Administration………Carina Ennsgraber, Administration …….Victoria Jungreitmayr, Administration
All accepted papers (proposals) may be published in Vol.13 of the Finance and Risk Perspectives, indexed and with an ISBN Number.
READ Vol. 12 FOR FREE HERE: http://www.acrn.eu/resources/Journals/9783950351804.pdf
In addition, some selected final papers will be eligible for publication in one of our many high quality partnering journals from Taylor& Francis, Routledge and ACRN.
Responsible Editors:
Sponsoring Partners of this conference:
- University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
- University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies
- CUNY, City University New York, USA
- Brno International Business School, Czech Republic
- ACRN U. Center for Research Methodology
- Routledge publishers, providing several publishing opportunities
Scientific Advisory board members, amongst from the:
- London School of Economics, UK
- University of Cambridge, UK
- Rutgers University, USA
- University of Oxford, UK
- University of Linz, Austria
- University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
- World Bank, Washington D.C.
Scientific Advisory board 2012
- Dr. Simon Taylor, Director of Master of Finance Program, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK
- Dr. Wim A. Van der Stede, CIMA Professor of Accounting and Financial Management, LSE - London School of Economics, UK
- Dr. Matthew Haigh, University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies, UK
- Dr. Alex Nichols, SAID Business School, University of Oxford, UK
- Dr. Juha Kansikas, Professor of Entrepreneurship, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- Dr. Barbara Verardo MBA, Senior Specialist, World Bank Washington D.C. and University of Oxford
- Dr. Elisabeth Menschl, Senior Lecturer in Research Philosophy and Ethics, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria
- Prof. Alex Murdock, Professor of Third Sector Research, London South Bank University, UK
- Dr. Shambu Prasad, Professor in Rural Management and Development, Xavier Institute of Management India
- Mira Übleis, MSc., Students Representative, European School of Economics, UK
- Dr. Michael Roither, Department Leader, University of Salzburg and Danube University, Austria
- Dr. Pascal Dey, Docent of Sociology, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
- Dr. Alena Hanzelkova, Head of PhD. program, Docent of Strategic Management, Brno International Business School, Czech Republic