This is the webpage for the 16th FRAP - Finance, Risk and Accounting Perspectives
Cambridge, 25. - 27. September 2017 organised by the ACRN Oxford Ltd. Centre for Interdisciplinary Research
Host 2017: Hughes Hall College of the University of Cambridge

Group Foto 16th FRAP, September 2017
Map of Cambridge with Hughes Hall
Suggested Guest houses around the area
Hotels in Cambridge
Conference Programme
Abstract Proceedings 2017
Thank you for the fantastic conference!
Keynote Speakers:

Conference Tracks:
1. Quantitative Finance and Risk Management
2. Enterprise Risk Management, Governance and Compliance
3. Investment Management, Markets and Portfolio Building
4. Corporate Finance, Treasury and Cash Management
5. Banking and Insurance
6. Entrepreneurial Finance, Crowdfunding and Venture Capital
7. SSFII Social and Sustainable Finance, Entrepreneurship and Impact Investing - Partner Conference!
8. Performance Management and Management Accounting
9. Accounting, Auditing and Reporting
10. IFRS and US-GAAP Perspectives
11. Islamic Banking and Finance

only for accepted papers for the 2nd SSFII and 16th FRAP Conferences. Directly entering next review round.
1. August 2017 - Submit full, camera ready paper and select potential outlets!
5. September 2017
25. September 2017 - Conference begins in Cambridge (optional Gala dinner on evening 25. September £ 58,- )
27. September 2017 Closing and Farewell words late afternoon

Foto from the 14th FRAP in Oxford, at the Oriel College of the University of Oxford.

Partner journals (indexed and registered in major listings including Cabell, EBSCO, SCOPUS) :
Emerald, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, ISSN: 0967-5426
Emerald, Journal of Risk Finance, ISSN: 1526-5943
Routledge, Venture Capital, ISSN: 1369-1066
Routledge, Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, ISSN: 2043-0795
ACRN, Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives, ISSN: 2305-7394
Routledge, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, ISSN: 1942-0676
Scientific Committee
Prof. Alex Nicholls, SAID Business School, University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Julia Mundy, Centre for Governance, Risk and Accountability, University of Greenwich, UK
Dr. Merav Ozair, NYU, New York University, US
DDr. Julia Puaschunder, The New School, New York, US
Dr. Matthew Haigh, University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies, UK
Prof. Ahmed Marhfor, University of Quebec, Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Canada
Dr. Olga Kolokolova, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK
Dr. Christine Chow, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Dr Michael Viehs, Hermes Investment Management, London,UK
Prof. Minna Martikainen, Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Dr. Juha Kansikas, Professor of Entrepreneurship, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Prof. Heimo Losbichler, Department Leader Finance and Accounting, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Dr. Elisabeth Menschl, Senior Lecturer in Research Philosophy and Ethics, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria
Prof. James Ming Chen, College of Law, Michigan State University, USA
Prof. Steven C Michael, University of Illinois, USA
Prof. Christiana Weber, University of Hannover, Germany
Mag. Thomas Kirchberger, Kepler University of Linz, Austria
Prof. Shambu Prasad, Professor in Rural Management and Development, Xavier Institute of Management India
Dr. Saadiah Mohamad, Professor of Economics, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Business Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA
Dr. Pascal Dey, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Recent FRAPs, SSFII and their location
15th FRAP: 2015, University of Upper Austria, Campus Steyr
14th FRAP: 2014, Oriel College of the University of Oxford
13th FRAP: 2013, Hughes College of the University of Cambridge
12th FRAP: 2012, University of Upper Austria, Campus Steyr
2015 SSFII, Said Business School, University of Oxford
Retrospective to the 15th FRAP - Upper Austria University :

Retrospective to the 14th FRAP - Oxford University :

Retrospective to 13th FRAP - Cambridge University: